Sharing Value, Revolutionizing Engagement


The world of cryptocurrencies has witnessed tremendous growth in recent years, revolutionizing various industries and offering unprecedented opportunities for investors and users alike. Among the countless projects emerging daily, N01zet has garnered attention in the crypto community, attracting interest on popular platforms like Binance. This essay delves into the significance of N01zet, its potential impact on the crypto landscape, and how it aligns with the renowned platform Binance, adopting a formal tone geared towards a medium level of understanding.

How N01zet Works?

Organizations identify their challenges and the purpose of their ecosystem

This is the strategy they want to involve your stakeholders in and create value. For example :" I want to increase sales", "I want to stimulate innovation", "I want to recruit", "I want to strengthen my brand image".

They define their goals and their values.

Objectives are the operational expression of their strategy. They can be performance objectives, CSR, employer brand, internal communication, customer service, education, etc. They allow their stakeholders (employees, students, community members, service providers or even customers) to collect tokens.

We create the digital token

Organizations can make this token available to all their stakeholders. It simplifies the exchange of services and rewards their commitment and loyalty. It's possible to differentiate between tokens associated with a monetary value (those issued for bonuses, for example, associated with a bank card) and those intended for sharing services in a private ecosystem.

Organizations customize their marketplace

The marketplace can includes monetary rewards or not: virtual trophies, certifications; service exchanges, goodies, coupons, and even NFTs

Promote peer-to-peer sharing

The stakeholders can enrich the marketplace and earn tokens by offering their products, services and skills (e.g. 1 hour of economics coaching, 1 hour of piano lessons etc).



PHASE 1 (Q2 2022)

  • Inception
  • Marketing Partnership
  • NFT collection & Website
  • Whitepaper / Litepaper

PHASE 2 (Q3 2022-Q4 2023)

  • ICO Launch on Twitter
  • 1st round of Marketing push
  • ICO Community growing
  • ICO N01zet whitelist
  • Discount for NFT holders
  • Private Round

PHASE 3 (Q4 2023 - Q1 2024)

  • Public sale
  • Strategic partnership
  • N01zet production website launch
  • Website security & stability
  • 2nd round of Marketing push

PHASE 4 (Q4 2023 - Q2 2024)

  • Certify our smart contract
  • Send out newsletter ICO community
  • Raised funds distributed
  • Business development in Europe
  • Communication with exchanges
  • 3rd round of Marketing push
  • New roadmap update

N01ZET Information:

Web: https://n01zet.com/ICO

Discord group: https://discord.gg/cxgnzF43BT

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AZLnft

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/n01zet/?viewAsMember=true


Bitcointalk Username: Surya lakmana

Bitcointalk Profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3401373

Telegram username: @Suryalakmana

Solana address: H8jQdEHrEeFJuiw4S9qwAm9uKGquEXSATX4dzbsGpW1G


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